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"The Arkansas Museums Association stands as a committed collective comprising museums and adept professionals. Our core mission revolves around elevating and maintaining the utmost standards of professionalism within Arkansas' vibrant museum landscape. We actively promote collaboration among our members, fostering engagement and cultivating public appreciation for the rich tapestry of museums across the state. Membership also includes complimentary access to our Professional Development program, enhancing your skills and expertise."

"Our goal is to deliver essential services with a team of seasoned professionals eager to offer their expertise and support."

ENDOWMENT fund goal

Certainly: "Securing the Long-Term Financial Stability of the Arkansas Museums Association (AMA): A Holistic Approach for Sustainable Growth and Excellence The Arkansas Museums Association (AMA) stands as a cornerstone in supporting museums and cultural institutions statewide. Dedicated to advancing and championing their interests, AMA relentlessly pursues not just meeting its annual financial requisites but also forging a resilient and prosperous trajectory for the future. Aligned with this far-reaching vision, AMA has pinpointed several pivotal objectives signifying its unwavering dedication to ensuring the association's enduring financial stability, elevating its programs, and empowering both its members and personnel. Your support and donations are deeply appreciated as we strive to achieve these critical goals."
Goal: $50,000.00
Collected: $1,645.00

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Arkansas Museums Association
P. O. Box 3292
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203


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