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AMA Committees

Governance Committee

Reviews bylaws and policies of AMA to ensure they reflect intent and purposes of the organization. Maintains and updates Board Handbook. It is also recommended that the committee seek the advice of a lawyer from time to time if the topic of issue is outside of the scope of comfort for committee members. 

Committee Chair Dr Raymond Screws

Nominations Committee

Solicits nominations from board and the full membership and providing those nominations to the board to become a potential leadership database. Annually prepares a slate of candidates; the slate shall attempt to provide a broad and well-balanced representation on board, taking into account the various museum disciplines, all segments of the museum profession, geographic distribution, and all other elements that are important in the existence of any democratic body. 

Dr. Raymond Screws, Vice President, Committee Chair

Scholarship Committee

Administers the AMA scholarship program: prepares call for applications to AMA Annual meeting, reviews applications, makes recommendations to the board, notifies applicants, and makes presentation at Annual Business Meeting. Considers awarding scholarships to professional development opportunities outside AMA Annual Meeting when members submit requests. Makes recommendations to board for changes in scholarship funding or criteria. Responsible for working with Communications Director to publish results through AMA publications (such as newsletter and website) as well as distributing press releases to winners and to local media. 

Daniel Cockrell, Treasurer, Committee Chair

Endowment Committee

Encourages endowment contributions. Assists the AMA Board in promotion of the endowment campaigns, identifies opportunities for donors based on special groups (past presidents or award recipients) and various giving levels and planned giving program.

Steven Mitchell, Committee Chair

Membership Committee

Works closely with Membership Director to direct campaigns to recruit new individual, institutional and corporate members. Staffs the registration table at annual meetings and professional development workshops. Designs and makes recommendations to the Board for changes in membership categories and dues structure to be incorporated in membership brochures and on website. Periodically surveys the membership in an effort to determine how the organization can best serve its members. 

John Williams , Membership Director, Committee Chair

Professional Development Committee

Plans and implements educational programs both in conjunction and outside of the annual meeting to address specific needs of member institutions and professionals. Determines and is responsible for program content and presenters, as well as special features to be built into the annual meeting, such as tracks, seminars, workshops, and keynote speakers. Works with Communications committee to periodically produce publications resulting from programs. This committee is also charged with evaluating professional development programs and as such designing and distributing evaluation forms for annual meeting, sessions, and local arrangement forms. Coordinates a team to tally, analyze, and report evaluation results to the board. This includes both paper and online evaluations. 

Casey Mitchell, Committee Chair

Communications Committee

Assists with gathering content for publications, enforces publication deadlines; researches ideas for content and new design layouts for AMA's publications (newsletter, website, and social media). Coordinates social media efforts by posting news and maintaining contacts and manages job listings on AMA website. Responsible for maintaining press release templates that can be distributed to members for use in local media as well as sending official AMA press releases to state publications. Periodically surveys the membership in an effort to determine the effectiveness of communication strategies. 

Angela Gibbs, Secretary/Communications Director, Committee Chair

History Committee

Collects and organizes all pertinent archival material on AMA since its establishment. They design and oversee a records management program for the organization. They solicit materials for the archives and liaisons with the holding house of the archives. 

Angela Gibbs, Secretary/Communications Director, Committee Chair

Local Arrangements Committee

Coordinates logistics for all events at the hotel(s), museums, and any other venues for the annual meeting. Responsible for assigning sub-committee chairs and coordinators who assist the AMA Board with all aspects of the annual meeting. 

Josh Williams

Awards Committee

Responsible for organizing annual awards competition including call for nominations, selecting judges, notifying nominators and honorees, purchasing awards and coordinating presentation at annual meeting. Responsible for working with Communications Director to publish award results through AMA publications (such as newsletter and website) as well as distributing press releases to winners and to local media. The committee also makes recommendations to board for new awards or changes in criteria as appropriate. 

Gloriaann Sanders, Committee Chair

Silent Auction Committee

Responsible for coordinating the silent auction and the funds are used to support scholarships. Responsibilities include: soliciting items; organizing items before and during the annual meeting; displaying items in the resource expo so attendees can bid on items; and providing president with silent auction and bid forms in order to write thank you notes after the annual meeting is over. 

Amanda Colclasure, Committee Chair

Arkansas Museums Association
P. O. Box 3292
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203


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